Totally agree with all the above as neurotic consciensous people get taken for a BIG ride in the org, I know this firsthand. Everything I do I give my all, perfect recipe for disaster when you come across narcissistic, micro- managing, controlling power tripping people. The guilt button is huge on us and we are easy prey for manipulation of all sorts. I learnt to stand up for myself and not be so easily intimidated from this bad experience. A big in your face double biceps, pecs out head high body language makes them back down real quick, all it takes so sad and so silly. Thing is I though I was doping the right thing until I realized I was being worn down for everyone but myself. Didn't Jesus say his yoke was kindly and light ?
So getting walked all over and being a YES man to all led me to a suicidal burnout and adrenal fatigue, which has symptoms very similar to 'fibro myalgia' .I know quite a few sisters that claim to suffer from it.
Watch out for the sons of Boanerges in the halls, they are out to control you for their benefit and agenda !